Move.App Expo is an event developed by Columbia Group and CIFI (Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani – Board of Italian Railway Engineers).
The company has for years worked in close synergy with the DITEN - Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommnications Engineering and Naval Architecture - Energy, Automation and Transport section of the Genoa University, and with the Centre for Transport Research (CIRT), in the sectors of LPT (Local Public Transport), rail and, more in general, sustainable mobility, particularly in an urban and metropolitan context. It has gained specific experience in the sectors of corporate and territorial economic planning, design, industrialisation and research in technological innovation for mobility and transport and the organisation of benchmark events for industry operators and specialists, including the “Electric cities” conferences.
Founded in 1899, the Board of Italian Railway Engineers (CIFI) is one of the oldest and most important technical and professional associations in Italy. Its main aims are:
- to promote the examination and study of scientific, technical, economic and legislative matters regarding land transport;
- to work towards the best solution for these matters, lobbying the public and the Italian executive and legislative state powers, together with public administration and private bodies;
- to enhance the role of engineers and transport experts and help with their cultural elevation;
- to study, coordinate and support the interests of transport engineers and experts to help raise awareness of their professional work;
- to aid in improving the technical culture, training and professional specialisation of operators in the land transport industry.
The board’s members include around 2200 individuals in the land transport sector and over 130 industrial and transport companies, plus several universities.
Since its foundation in 1996, the CIRT (Centro di Ricerca Trasporti - Centre for Transport Research) has carried out research, consultancy and training, integrating the multidisciplinary skills of its members. It was set up with the precise goal of carrying out its activities with a multidisciplinary approach and from the start, has worked on a broad scale in the sectors of road, railway and maritime transport. CIRT works in sectors of excellence that include participation in numerous European projects in the field of railway transport technologies and planning, studies in the field of logistics applied to land, maritime and intermodal transport and comparative analysis of LPT systems and vehicles. The CIRT acts as a qualified consultant for private and public companies and public bodies for feasibility studies and the constitution or development of partnerships in national and European projects. The Scientific Administration Office for Move.App Expo will be run by the CIRT. Right from the start, the CIRT, as part of Genoa University's DITEN department, has worked with ASSTRA (Associazione Trasporti - Transport Association) and CEI-CIVES (Commissione Italiana Veicoli Elettrici Stradali a Batteria, Ibridi e a Celle a Combustibile - Italian Commission for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles).